Sniper Pong - Game a week #2

Hey, welcome back to my series, where I'm trying to make a game a week. Last week I made Ccel, a puzzle game that was much larger than I thought, and after nearly getting burnt out in the first week of my challenge, I decided to make something much simpler and smaller for this week. With that, I knew I wanted to make an arcade game, and ended up on the idea of remaking pong, but with snipers. Original, I know.
Since this was a really small project, I decided to throw in learning GDScript on the side, as I've wanted to learn it for a few weeks now. And, I only have one thing to say to the people that made GDScript: screw- no no no, it's actually pretty good. I truly dislike how variables are typed in GDScript, but that's just my preference coming from a background in statically typed languages, it's pretty good other than that, I especially love the ability to just link signals and functions together in the editor. Pretty cool, but I think I'll stick with C#, at least for the most part.
Other than that, I've been big into music recently, and after the disaster that was Eclipse's music, it's inspiring me to put way more effort than I should into the music, although to my surprise I actually made a track that I'm happy with, and pretty quickly too (2 hours). Eclipse's main track took me an entire day to produce, and it still sounds very... bad. And even though Sniper Pong's track is an arcade song, which really isn't too hard to produce, I'm still quite happy with it.
This was also my first real dip into AI, especially AI more complex than "go towards player", and it was pretty fun, although the finished product is quite buggy and stupid, making it essentially just Artificial, no intelligence there.
I've also been slowly expanding my meta-production skills, if that's even a word, with things like making an icon for the windows .exe, making a gif for the page and so on. And I think that's what's giving me the biggest sense of progress so far, seeing the end product look just that bit more professional and well made, even though it still doesn't look professional.
Also, I'll be starting university soon, so it's likely I won't be making anything as big as Ccel for a while, I won't be stopping Game a Week, but I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to make big games (for a game made in a week that is) or not. Although I imagine they will get bigger and better as I get better and more efficient at making games. Well, that's basically all for this devlog, I hope you can give Sniper Pong a try, see what you think of it, and maybe give me a bit of juicy feedback, and if you're interested in seeing what else I'll make, then you can always follow me. See you next week!
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